“Everyone should give whatever they have decided in their heart. They shouldn’t give with hesitation or because of pressure. God loves a cheerful giver.” – 2 CORINTHIANS 9:7
Dear Church Family,
There is joyful ministry happening everywhere one looks. We are welcoming new members and greeting many guests in worship every Sunday. Our children, tween, and youth ministries are growing, our mission and outreach ministries are flourishing, and attendance in our Sunday school classes and small group Bible studies has hit record highs!
This time of year, we will explore the meaning of stewardship, and we ask each person in our church family to discover how they want to express their love for God through generous giving of their time, talents, and treasure.
What is God asking you to do? Begin with prayer, and then recall the ways God has extravagantly blessed you and your family. There is a question raised by the psalmist, “How can I repay the Lord / for all His goodness to me?” (116:12). Nothing we have is too big or grand to offer our awesome God. No gift is too small if it represents our prayers, a sacrifice, and a generous portion of our resources. When our hearts are filled with gratitude, nothing God asks of us seems unpleasant or impossible.
A link to your online pledge card is on this page. Why is it important to take this step? Your prayerful, intentional efforts to ask God for insight, and then act upon your decision, will express your love and gratitude for God in a personal and tangible way. Your estimate of giving confirms your desire to be fruitful. It also enables the church to plan for and implement ministries throughout the year.
Giving calls us to put our trust in God as we give away resources to be used to further His Kingdom. Fulfilling our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world will only be possible if we are each willing to offer up our gifts in cheerful generosity to God.
The pledge cards will be dedicated on Sunday, November 6, during our worship services, and if you’re using the printed version, we ask that you bring them with you that morning. If you are not able to attend worship that Sunday you may turn them in at anytime to the church office or fill one out online. If you have questions, or need to talk about special ways to give to the church, please call me, Wendy, or Carla in the church administration office. Let us pray for one another during this important time in the life of our congregation. Together, we are growing in our ability to Trust in God with all that we are and all that we have.
God’s Peace,
David Saliba, Pastor