Children's Ministry

J.A.M. Time

(Jesus And Me Time)

Children in grades 4P to 4th grade are invited to participate in age-appropriate fellowship and worship in Room 217 upstairs in the children’s building during the 8:30 and 8:55 a.m. services. All children must be checked in at the children’s welcome desk by an adult. Donuts and juice will be served. Children will be escorted to Sunday School classes at 10 a.m.

Click here to sign up to volunteer!


Every Sunday – 10:00 – 10:45 am


Sunday Morning Nursery

 – 8:15 am – 12:00 pm (6 weeks to 3P)

11:00am – 12:00pm (6 weeks to Kindergarten)

A nursery is provided for ages 6 weeks to 4 years old during all worship services and programming.


Fellowship and Chimes

5-6 pm – Kids Corner (Room 217)


Bible Studies and Choir

6-7pm – Kids Corner (Room 217)

Church members, volunteers, and parents: be sure to join our private Facebook group called
“FUMC Dothan Children’s Ministry”

Children's Ministry Staff

Elizabeth Saliba

Children's Ministry Director

Kaylee Vaughn

Children’s Ministry Assistant Director

Beth Sizemore

Childcare Ministry Coordinator

Erin M. Smith

Worship Arts Director