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Welcome to Tween Ministry at First United Methodist Church of Dothan!  Our Tween program is the place for current 5th & 6th graders who want to draw closet to Christ while having some fun through games and fellowship.  We offer weekly ways to be involved from Sunday mornings to Sunday evenings and on Wednesday nights.

Loving and Learning

Sunday School

5th and 6th graders
Sundays, 10:00- 10:45 am
Tween Room – 266

We hope you will join us for worship and Sunday School class this Sunday!

Sunday Night Fellowship

Sunday evenings will be composed of two parts. Tweens will begin with a devotion, followed by games and activities that lead to an understanding of discipleship. The second part will include Worship Arts, to enhance our Tween’s ability to  worship in new and different ways.

 5th & 6th grade

Sundays 5-6 p.m. Tweens Room 267

Tween Bible Study

The Tweens program provides a time of beginning Bible study, as we examine this instruction book for our lives as Christians. This is also a time for fellowship and games!  

5th-6th grade

Wednesdays, 6 – 7 p.m.  – begins in the gym each Wednesday

CONFIRMATION - Next Class begins August 2025

During confirmation, we learn about following Jesus, how our ancestors followed Him, the beginning of the church, the beginning of Methodism and the way we can follow Jesus today.  At the end of this journey, those who wish may officially join the church.

Our next confirmation class will be composed of sixth and seventh graders. To sign up your student, please contact Sonia Crutchfield.  

Confirmation Class
6th graders


Tween Ministry Staff

Sonia Crutchfield
Director of Tween Ministries