Join us for our Churchwide Lenten Bible Study on Seven Words: Listening to Christ on the Cross, by Susan Robb –
5 PM, Room 157 (Begins February 23)
Jarrod & Branham Hanchey and Ryan & Kash Deaton
10:30 AM, Room 131 (Begins March 11)
Ladies’ Bible Study – Kat Forrester
10:30 AM, Room 131 (Begins March 5) – Pastor Lynn Smilie Nesbitt
Beginning March 12:
3:30 PM, Parlor – Pastor Elizabeth Hinton (co-ed) – Sign up here!
6 PM, Room 157 – Pastor Matt Langford (co-ed)
6 PM, Room 158 – Ryan Deaton (men) – Sign up here!
6 PM, Parlor – Elise Burgamy & Jessica Robinson (women) – Sign up here!
6 PM Room 165 – Scott Helms & Sam Stanfield (co-ed) – Sign up here!
Our Children’s, Tween’s, and Youth ministries will also participate
in age-appropriate Lenten studies during Wednesday night programming.
Wednesday Night Supper– 4:45-6 PM, Fellowship Hall
Menu information: fumcdothan.org/wns
Please note: Programming will be suspended on
Sunday, March 23, and Wednesday, March 26, due to Spring Break.
Wednesday weekly evening programming ends April 23.
Sunday weekly evening programming ends April 27.
Palm Sunday, April 13
Palm Sunday Reenactment – 10 am
on the front lawn.
Easter Egg Hunt – 4 pm
Gathering begins at 4 p.m. on the front lawn
Cross Raising with Promise & Hamburger & Hotdog Supper – 5 pm
A cross will be raised on the front lawn, and our praise band Promise will provide worship music.
(Please bring folding chairs and blankets.)
Maundy Thursday, April 17
Around the Table: A Taste of Passover – 5:30-7 p.m., Fellowship Hall – Please join us Maundy Thursday for a churchwide family Seder meal. A Passover Seder is a special meal in which the components and structure recall the Exodus—when God freed His people from slavery in Egypt. As Christians, whether Jewish or Gentile (non-Jewish), we are invited to the Passover Seder table as a way of remembering God’s faithfulness throughout history and celebrating Jesus—the Lamb of God—whose death and resurrection make it possible for us to be part of God’s family now and forever. A nursery will be provided for ages 0-Kindergarten 5.
Good Friday Tenebrae, April 18
“Tenebrae” which means darkness, is an ancient Christian service that makes use of diminishing light and the extinguishing of candles.
Good Friday Tenebrae Service – 6:30 pm* – Sanctuary
Child-Friendly Tenebrae Service – 6:30 pm – The Chapel (4P-4th grade)
Stations of the Cross – Following Service (led by FUMC Youth)
*Nursery provided
Easter Sunday, April 20
First Light Chapel Communion – Chapel – 8 am
Traditional Worship – Sanctuary – 9 and 11 am*
The Bridge Contemporary Worship – Fellowship Hall – 8:15 & 10 am*
J.A.M Time – 8:15 & 9 am
*Nursery provided
“Flower the Cross”
Before or after the service you attend, we invite you to visit Walton Garden as we “Flower the Cross”. Come and add wildflowers or purchased flowers, and transform the cross into a glorious symbol, signifying new life in
Jesus Christ.
You are welcome to take Easter photos here as well.
For more details, please visit fumcdothan.org.
*Nursery provided